Thursday, September 13, 2007


Having read the extremely long articles on ICT ,one question remains in my mind. How do we implement this in our classroom? The author speaks of planning and executing experimental work using the computer and logging data using probes, measuring temperature etc. But where does the empirical data generated? Not from the laboratory exercises carried out in the classroom? If not then how is it done? I get the impression that ICT is a stand alone teaching tool with teacher as a facitator but what about laboratory skills and other psychomotor skills?


dayah said...

I concur heartily.

Aisha said...

Integrating technology may consist of a stand alone teaching tool but it doesn't have to be. It should be integrated with other student centered methods. So, for example, students can collect the data in your lab but use technology for the data storage and analysis.
Does this help?
We'll be watching a video in class tomorrow that provides some examples that may help you to conceptualize this better.

joyict said...

I took a few days to read my article on secondary school ICT. There was one point the author mentioned and I wondered if it was not at odds with student centered learning and being able to diagnose each student and that was - whole class interactive learning. He says ICT provides the potential for this and peers should help each other. I feel that the introverted child may get left behind. What do you thinK?

Edwin said...

The introverted child might be forced to get out of his/her comfort zone because if the disequilibrium caused by whole class interactive learning..... or probably the opposite may occur.

David said...

Mark, my article was the one concerned with primary science, but, based on your concerns, the author of mine also gave examples of the use of ICT in science education which included the data logging exercise you referred to. I agree with Aisha though- ICT can be used as a stand alone resource e.g. a video that would promote the achievement of your objectives, or as suggested in my article, integrated in the teaching/learning process. For instance, they can collect data in the lab in a hands on activity, then use a spreadsheet application to organize and present the data depends on what you want to do.

Aisha said...

Do you think one of our roles as teachers is to develop the "whole" student rather than just their academics? Should we be trying to bring out the introverted student? Won't s/he need the same skills the other students engaged in interactive learning will need?